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The Taiwanese navy is to fo台北民間二胎llow international customs regulating those occurrences to avoid friction, the sou台南借錢管道rce said.

Although the Xining is assigned to the PLAN’s North Sea Fleet, it is a principal combat ship and is therefore likely to conduct transoceanic and expeditionary warfare training, including those conducted ne台南民間貸款ar Taiwanese waters, the official said.

The Republic of China (ROC) Navy “does not rule out” the possibility of the Si Ning encountering the Xining, a Ministry of National Defense official in Taipei said on condition of anonymity.

A source familiar with naval affairs said that Taiwanese and Chinese warships rarely encountered each other in the past because the two navies usually restricted their土地貸款利率 ship movements to fixed lanes.

However, the PLAN勞工貸款條件 has in recent years been moving its ships off the established lanes, leading to increased chances of maritime encounters, the source said.

The Si Ning is a Kang Ding-cl台新銀行信貸ass frigate, with the pennant number DDG-124, and is based in Kaohsiung’s Zuoying District (左營), the official said.

According to the Taiwanese navy’s naming conventions, ships belonging to Class I principle warships are named after place names or military figures of renown, with Class II patrol ships named after mountains and Class III after rivers, the official said.勞工修繕貸款率利2017申請勞保貸款資格個人小額借款


The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) naming its recently completed destroyer Xining (西寧), using the same Chinese characters as the Taiwa土地銀行勞工貸款nese frigate Si Ning, might lead to confusion if the ships encounter each ot哪間銀行信貸比較好過her on maneuvers, Taiwanese military observers said.

哪裡可以借錢分期付款According to Chinese media affiliated with the PLA, the Xining is an indigenously developed Type 052D advanced guided-missile destroyer, with a displacement of 7,500 tonnes and 台南貸款代辦low radar visibility.

The Xining is the second Chinese warship to bear that name, the official said, adding that its predecessor with pennant number DDG-108 was a first-generation guided-mi農地抵押貸款ssile destro各家銀行信貸比較yer, commissioned in 1980 and decommissioned in 2013.土地銀行貸款利率台北民間代書

A situation involving ships with the same name appearing in the same are聯邦銀行信用貸款a勞保貸款2017 is likely to cause difficulties, another unnamed defense ministry official said on Sunday.個人小額貸款

Because the Taiwanese and Chinese navies both use place names for their ships, four ships have the same names: Taiwan’s Si Ning and Kun Ming and China’s Xin推薦房貸轉貸的銀行ing and Kunming, the official said.

Taiwan’s six Kang Ding-class frigates were named after the ROC’s former Chinese provinces, and Beijing also intends to name its destroyers after its major provinces and cities, with up to 18 ships planned, the official said.

By Lo Tien-bin and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporter, with s台灣銀行青年創業貨款農會貸款程序勞工創業貸款>台中青年創業貸款條件勞保貸款條件t土地貸款利息aff writer

However, in 2005, the Legislative Yuan’s National Defense Committee requested that the defense ministry name new warships “using Taiwanese place names or names that resonate with Taiwanese,” and the military has complied, th台中民間信貸e留學貸款ptt official said.台中市借錢

The Taiwanese navy named its post-2005 Keelung-個人信貸代辦c各家銀行車貸利率比較2017l台北市借款ass destroyers Keelung, Su Ao, Tso Ying and Ma Kong, the official said.

新聞來源:台中房屋借錢TAIPEI TIMES



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